
that henry's quite a builder

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

now, i've never been one for complex furniture or kitchen systems, but i think i may have been converted. while checking out the goods over at henrybuilt i discovered i may have to change the way i view kitchen systems. yes, i may become a systems girl yet.

henrybuilt is a furniture company based in seattle that specializes in built-to-order pieces or systems for your kitchen and home. i was drawn in intially by some (quite lovely) photography of their bamboo tables and prouve-esque dining chairs. these are certainly not to be missed, but i'll have to say, for the first time i found myself cooing over their ultra mod and ultra sleek kitchen systems. perhaps it's because i'm thinking about moving myself, but the idea of planning a whole new kitchen (one, that unlike mine, exudes style and taste) is appealing to me.

you can browse a gorgeous selection of photography (i love it when companies shell out for good photography, i find that it's, for the the most part, worth the time and money) here and, if you're in the market for new furniture or a new kitchen, contact them here for pricing and other details. enjoy!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE [kitchen system*henrybuilt] can this please be my kitchen? pleeeeease?

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
SIMPLE AND SLEEK [desk*henrybuilt] i just like this. don't know why. i just do.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
GENIUS [countertop*henrybuilt] ok so i'm assuming this is so you can put dishes and such on the counter and the water will run off back into the sink. brilliant. if this isn't what this is for, well, you blew a cool idea.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
DO YOU BAMBOO? [bamboo table*henrybuilt] i love this. the color of the wood is gorgeous. gorgeous. it's like an outdoorsy version of the bouroullec's joyn table for vitra. (vitra.com)

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
RUSTIC ELEGANCE [wooden table and chairs*henrybuilt] so simple and so rustic. i love it.

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