
sweet indulgences: living kitchen

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

ok, so i happen to think that nigella lawson is both the sexiest and most delightful woman in the entire world. i discovered her cooking shows a few years back and have been hopelessly hooked ever since. she has the most sensuous and loving demeanor, which she applies to everything in her kitchen. she approaches food with the manner of a true believer- someone who has seen how passionate the art of cooking can be- and spreads the love to her viewers and fans worldwide. for someone who has been through more than her fair share of personal tragedy (the loss of a husband and a most unfortunate accident with a damien hirst work...), nigella exudes the kind of love that everyone secretly needs more of in their life.

with a series of bestselling cookbooks (i suggest her pineapple kabobs dipped in chocolate sauce, which i attempted to create at an ill-planned cook out this summer in gayhead. don't worry, we managed to eat despite being unable to light the fire) and a hit tv show, you could ask what more does she need? well, there's always room for more my dears and nigella has done just that- and quite spectacularly i might add.

the living kitchen collection is a series of kitchen utensils and servingware that manages to somehow exude the essence of ms. lawson- they are soft, round, sensual, soothing in color and make you want to discover the joy of food. because after watching ms. lawson (and eating dishes from her recipe book) you can't help but realize what a joy cooking can be.

check nigella's website for purchasing information. you can find out when her show "forever summer" airs here. enjoy!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT [ice cream bowls*nigella lawson] i love these. such a nice, pleasing twist on a traditional piece...plus i love the idea of having bowls exclusively for ice cream.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
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Home Design Ideas and Alternative
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