
what the puck

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

i play street hockey. and i love it.

our league is chock full of creative types, so i'm constantly being introduced to new artists, architects and photographers (fair amount of comedians in there too...). hence, my nemesis (only because of his shoddy, season destroying reffing skills...argggh), alex eben, has turned me on to two great new local artists. i thought you might want to check them out too, before they get all big time on ya.

local genius number one? jamie tanner. with ocean parkway as jamie's home turf, this is one bonafide local talent. i'm partial to the bear and bird comics. perfect for children's books and cd covers...you never know. with this kind of style the possibilities are limitless.

mega star in the making number two? antonio carusone. photographer extraordinaire, antonio takes breathtakingly beautiful photographs that make you want to quit your day job and pick up a camera. only to discover, well, you're no antonio carusone.

oh, and victim number three (yeah, whatever, i know i said two artists..) is the man who started it all, eben. go check him out and see what all the fuss is about. and go check out our hockey league while you're at it! where else can you see charles bronson fight unicorns? (goooo unicorns!)

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
WOOF [woof illustration*jamie tanner] cute. sooo cute!

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