the d*s apt project: episode four [the living room]
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ah, the living room [click here for full slide show]. let me start by saying ac hates this color so, so much. we didn't pick it, it was already there (sort of a weird purpely grey). my favorite part about the living room is that when we moved in there were huge, heavy shelves already built into the wall. these were a godsend. ac is one of the biggest readers i know so we had tons and tons of books to store (after the 10th or 12th box of books being dragged upstairs by our movers they declared, "you guys sure do like to read!")- so these were perfect. two bookcases and who knows how many stacks of books disappeared into all four shelves, it was genius.
now we're stuck with a very narrow room in which we hope to store a new couch (i won't even show our couch, it's pathetic), new entertainment center, our tv and hopefully some small end tables with lamps. we might need to store our guitars in here, too. not sure yet. basically we don't have a color choice for in here yet, but figured we might be inspired by fabric choices for the shade that will go on the random tiny window in here (anyone know how to find a shade that small? or am i destined to have one made custom for it?). i want the room to be comfy and cozy, but not too cozy that it looks sloppy. i also plan to totally rehaul the horrible closet we have and either wallpaper the inside (i know that's a no no in the rental world, but i figure they won't care about the closets considering the shape they rented it to us in...it's a risk, i know) and paint everything and get a new knob from anthropologie. any thoughts for the living room? great fabric ideas? color themes? we're trying to keep everything streamlined, so no crazy primary colors, but any great hues you're hooked on that you'd love to share?
This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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