
Eternal Spring

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What I remember most about her was her sunny smile and happy countenance despite the ravages of breast cancer that she valiantly fought for several years. She loved to garden and looked forward to Spring when we'd go shopping for flowers at the garden center. Roses were her favorite and even though she had a small urban garden she had to have them .

After finishing the planting she'd always say " See you in the Spring. "

I could always count on a call from her beginning the middle or end of May but this year the call didn't come. I had a gnawing feeling of despair that she wasn't going to have another Spring.

The call came a few days ago that she had been very ill for the past several weeks and passed away last Friday. I was her gardening coach for many years , but she was more than a client to me, she was a fellow gardener and a lover of all things beautiful.

Spring symbolized rebirth and hope for another season to her and I was the harbinger that brought great joy.

I will miss you, Joan, but take comfort in knowing that you are at peace in the garden of eternal Spring where there is no pain or suffering. I hope that you will be watching in approval as I plant the last rose in your memory.

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