

Home Design Ideas and Alternativeone of the (many) highlights of my trip was a visit to shopSCAD. i've seen a lot of art school shops and i'll have to say, SCAD is in a league of its own. i was scheduled to stay there an hour (which i thought was nearly impossible) but i could have easily stayed for 2 or 3 just looking at the artwork. the fabulous joe bush (who's about to move to silverlake!) and kyle of shopSCAD were incredibly helpful and knowledgeable about every single tiny piece in the shop, which was founded by amy zurcher and katie runnels in 2003. i felt like i'd stumbled into the home of some incredibly eccentric, artistic (maybe a little crazy?) southern woman with impeccable taste. there were beautiful little pieces tucked into every nook and cranny- not to mention the sculptures hanging from the ceiling. my favorite pieces belonged to artist stephanie howard, who created a series of "shag queen" (named for the dance) illustrations that use stippling and tiny lines and dashes to create the incredible pieces above and below. her work oozes the sort of southern-ness that i crave living up here so i'm in the process of saving up to invest in her work when i can. along with stephanie i really loved molly dingledine's work (i bought some of her wood and pearl earrings) but you can see a big big big slideshow of shopSCAD artwork, products and store shots right here. i hope you'll check it out- the shop is lovely and i've identified nearly everything in the photos (roll your mouse over the photo and then click on the "i" for photo information) so if you'd like to buy anything you see you can find the piece online at shopSCAD and have it sent to you. thanks so much for joe and kyle for making my visit such a fun one.

Home Design Ideas and AlternativeHome Design Ideas and AlternativeHome Design Ideas and Alternative

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