
student design contest


calling all students: the aia is having a home accessories design competition, woohoo!

"For our second annual student competition, we are looking for your designs for HOME ACCESSORIES & PERSONAL OBJECTS that work with the concept of RE-cycling (metal, plastics, paper, glass, textiles). Creating new products out of old. Bring a fresh approach to the tired topic of trash! AWARDS: The designers of the winning entries will be granted with cash prize awards: First prize $500, Second prize $300, Third prize $100. Winning entries and a selection of the works submitted will be shown during the city-wide design festival, DesignPhiladelphia at the AIA Bookstore & Design Center from April 1 through 9, 2006. Winning entries will also be featured in The Philadelphia Architect newsletter. Design Criteria: Participants must be Art and/or Design Students. Registration Deadline: Application registration will be accepted through March 6, 2006. "
sounds like fun- click here to apply. good luck!

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