


i never thought i'd get excited about something tech related. but i have. a lovely reader sent this to me, and although it's still being perfected and won't hit the states until jan 2006, i thought it would be fun to preview. tulip designed a great new portable laptop called e-go that puts a whole new spin on the idea of making technology work for you. not only is the laptop light, portable and easy to carry, it's been designed to look like a purse that can be customized with a wide array of colorful patterns and styles. i'm fond of the lace myself, but i'm sure everyone can find a color that works. while i think these are pretty much girls only- there might be a way to get one in a plain color that would work for a man. but really my gut says this is a girl's product. check out the patterns above and below and visit tulip for more info on e-go. again, isn't scheduled to hit stores in the us until jan 06. (be sure to catch the bling version, it's got mouse pads encrusted with diamonds. that's right diamonds. it's begging to be stolen if you ask me.)






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