
thank you thank you thank you: Home Design Ideas and Alternative reflects on a great year

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

with the year coming to an end and christmas nearly upon us, i wanted to round up some of my favorite members of the design community to give thanks and share well wishes for everyone that supports us and makes this vibrant, passionate community possible. i know that for me, being a part of this amazing and highly unique design world has made my year a happier and more fulfilled one. so, in the interest of giving back to those who have given so much to me, i wanted to share a few things with everyone out there in design blog world, and then give some of my peers a chance to do the same thing. think of it as a big ol' Home Design Ideas and Alternative thank you meets holiday extravaganza.

this christmas i'm sending my best to everyone out there and wishing you all a safe, happy holiday and a prosperous new year. so, thank you reluct. thank you treehugger. thank you mocoloco, josh rubin, apartment therapy, land+living, the future perfect, id fuel, core77 and curbed. thank you for being a part of my world and opening yours to my little site. Home Design Ideas and Alternative is so happy to know you all.

so, to wrap up my section of the post, i've asked our peers to answer a few simple questions: what to you hope to find waiting for you under the xmas tree? what will you be giving to people this year? and lastly, what do you hope the new year holds? so, enjoy as they share their thoughts with you this holiday season.

joyeux noël (and see you on monday), Home Design Ideas and Alternative

+++ what do you hope the new year holds? +++

ryan from elswares:: i hope the new year holds a revolution in the cottage industry, designers/builders and short-distance manufacturing.

drew sanocki from edgemodern:: i hope the new year sees a continued growth in design-consciousness among the general public here in the US. we are finally catching up to the rest of the world as far as design goes, and i hope the trend continues.

meaghan from treehugger:: what i'd really like to see in the year ahead is a
continuation of the trend toward eco-conscious design, resulting in a
cleaner ocean, less melt, and an overall increase in the general
health of the biosphere.

rena tom:: i hope the new year brings continued interest and support for
independent designers, an appreciation of the handcrafted nature of
much of our work, and enough money to keep it all rolling along

james murphy:: i hope this year brings everyone in the design community peace and prosperity. i'd also like to see young american designers really begin to take the world by storm.

alex of redstr/collective:: i hope that we just keep challenging ourselves, our industry, and the average consumer. even though of half this country voted for bush the other half still exists and is looking to expand their minds and tastes. hopefully design can help to get people thinking on a more positive and constructive level.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative:: i hope the new year holds a million exciting surprises for the design blog community, continued respect and recognition and unimaginable success for all of the amazing independent artists out there, struggling to get their work known.

+++ what do you hope is waiting for you under the tree and what what will you be giving to others? +++

ryan from elswares:: for me, one of these. for everyone else, if i could swing it, you'd all be naked and semi-submerged in one of these things.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
MMM MMM GOOD [m-house*m-house] an m-house for ryan, please.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
RUBADUBDUB [dutchtub*dutchtub] ryan wants us naked. and wet.

drew sanocki from edgemodern:: i hope a state of the art ecommerce platform is waiting for me under the tree, because I'm tired of building my own. and i hope to get some matteo bedding, too. for everyone else? vessel candelas, because they are fun and useful.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
XMAS LIGHTS [candela*vessel] a candela for drew and crew...

meaghan from treehugger:: mostly what i'm hoping to get—a giro snowboarding helmet and a lendal sea-kayaking paddle —aren't what most folk in this design community would think of as high-end contemporary design. but in their genres they're top of the line—cutting-edge ingredients in the recipe for having a good time. other essentials? oceans and snow, of course—preferably clean. what i'm giving this year? aside from looolo pillows, mushroom logs, and xm radios, is a promise to do my part for the environment. partly, that means continuing to contribute to treehugger, but mostly it's a commitment to continue educating myself and making changes where i can.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
LOCO FOR LOOOLO [pillow*looolo] for meaghan and co.

rena tom:: i'd most like for some new stores to carry my jewelry, to see my
husband more (he's in architecture grad school), for the dog to enjoy
her first snowfall, and oh yeah, a paragon kiln. for everyone else? i would like to give people more attention, i've been very neglectful. also encouragement in all their endeavors, and some knitting needles. everyone needs to know how to knit!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
BUY ME! [oahu bracelet*rena tom] what everyone should be buying! support local artists!

james murphy:: i'd like to give everyone something handmade this year. small dovetailed boxes with riverstones inside, or funky turned wooden candlesticks
or something contemporary with gold leaf. i'd like to see a vintage upright piano in black or a bass guitar under my tree.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
GOLDY [anniversary table*eameses] for james murphy's friends...something cool and gold leafed

alex of redstr/collective:: for me: a new ipod, the latest droog design book, a carton of american spirit blues, new metroid prime, and aqua teen hunger force dvds. for others? a full set of godfathers of hip hop ornaments, because you can never have too much ghetto up in your crib, idoru by williiam gibson, and learning from las vegas (one of the best books for anyone to read.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
AND YOU DON'T STOP... [godfathers of hip hop ornaments*redstr/collective] what alex will be giving....

Home Design Ideas and Alternative:: all i want to find under my christmas tree is my family, my pets and my wonderful a.c. i feel so lucky in my life right now that i think i'm set. for everyone else? things that remind people how loved they are...i'm a sucker for handmade gifts.

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