
designing the revolution: redstr/collective

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not content to see the future of design go the way of mid-century rehashes, christine warren and alex valich decided it was time to make a change. someone needed start over and approach design with a fresh perspective and fresh ideas. redstr/collective, their brooklyn-based design studio, is the product of their desire to see design pushed to its limits- and even beyond them.

long-time collaborators, warren and valich wanted to create a studio that would challenge traditional ideas about design and the way in which we approach both the materials and processes involved. both graduates of parsons, the duo created redstr/collective with the idea that they could provide a place for younger designers to create and, along with them, reimagine the world of design.

redstr/collective's strength lies in the recontextualization of materials, products and their function. with a line of products and furniture that includes "designer" air-sick bags, a crate system comprised of a re-manufactured wood material called OSB and ornaments dedicated to the godfathers of hip hop, redstr/collective is on their way to changing the way we approach design and the materials with which we create.

for those of you wondering if redstr/collective could be another one of those flash-in-the-pan, williamsburg hipster studios, take note: redstr/collective has produced a remarkable line of furniture called stopit that proves they are not just a case of all sizzle and no steak (see header photo). comprised of a steel and oak frame (in the shape of either a lounge chair or sofa) and dotted with colored rubber stoppers, the stopit series is an excellent example of insightful deconstructionist design. an exploration of upholstered furniture, stopit reinvents the idea of "upholstery" by substituing colored rubber stoppers arranged in a pattern that replaces the decorative effects of fabric. this is a team of designers that knows what they're doing- and thankfully, a team that seems poised to take their place at the forefront of contemporary design.

redstr/collective's furniture and products can be found at the future perfect or online, at their website.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
YOU...GOT WHAT I NEEEED [godfathers of hip hop ornaments] if you don't know what that's from, shame on you. shame, shame on you. i mean, who doesn't want biz markie on their xmas tree? ("he told me where it was...for the moment") hahahaha

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
INNER CITY TABLES [table*redstr/collective] i love the raw simplicity of this table. sure beats my desk at work....

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
GO DOWN SOUTH [costa rica wallpaper*redstr/collective] comprised of corporate symbols...makes you realize how easy it is to forget that we're constantly surrounded by corporate branding

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