
and now for something completely different

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

happy monday everyone. in honor of the most horrid day of the week, i thought i'd feature someone new, under the radar and totally worth checking out. thanks go to the wonderful missy and aaron for turning me on to the joys of tape art.

public art has always held a special place in my heart, and those who do it well deserve all the credit in the world. mike, of tapeart.com, is a risd educated tape art genius who makes his living creating murals and "paintings" out of tape. that's right, tape. what this man can do with a roll of masking tape will blow you away. big into the belief that art can be a healing process, mike has worked with elementary schools and numerous children's hospitals to create murals with children that are simply stunning.

aside from pioneering a totally new art form, mike has clearly put 110% of his heart and unbelievable creative talent behind each project. more info can be found here. so, happy monday and welcome to the world of tape art...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
SQUIRRELY [squirrel project*mike of tapeart.com] mike in the process of a squirrel floor mural...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
ALL DONE [finished squirrel project*mike] the wonders of tape...

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