
SCOOPS: special edition

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

here at Home Design Ideas and Alternative we’ve become accustomed to scooping the print world, (sooo...slow...must...wait to publish...) as you well know. well here’s an example of how a Home Design Ideas and Alternative scoop can take off on the blog circuit when picked up by the right site. it seems we have a fan at core77, which we are flattered by (what up, shaggy? guess you liked this post too? my post, shaggy, next day!). and what can a post like that lead to? take a look: link, link, link, link.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative is always happy to give credit to any other site who’s work we reference- it’s common courtesy. but we’re also happy to call out all Home Design Ideas and Alternative sponges. because it’s just fun. luv ya!

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