
turning japanese

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

thank you, core 77. for always updating me with the kinds of things i could never find on my own. for finding websites with the coolest and most innovative designs around. for introducing me to designers whose websites i cannot read or translate, but whose phenomenal work clearly doesn't need an explanation. thanks core77, you're the best.

yesterday my beloved core77 had a posting about some japanese e-commerce site that was fan-tastic. i can't read it or translate it to save my life, but the pictures speak volumes. i managed to get some pictures off of it and fall madly in love with a designer (don't know his name...can't read it!) whose work you'll see below. the link is here. enjoy!

if anyone speaks japanese (or can read it) please let me know what this is all about and what the designer's name is...i'd love to give as much info as possible. thanks! d*s

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
TACKY [concrete tacks*japanese designer mentioned above] sorry i don't know this person's name...someone who speaks japanese, heeelp!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
GRAVEL GLASS [gravel and concrete coaster*same guy]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
SMOKING SUCKS [ashtray*same guy...]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
LIGHTHOUSE [concrete house light*same guy, again]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
LIGHT IT UP [alarm clock*oh you know who...]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
BIG HOUSE [mansion planter*him again]

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