
mon ami

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

so, i know i fall in love in a lot. ok, maybe a whole ton. with designers, new products, places, stores, everything. but really, this time, i'm smitten. thomas from illico design passed along some beautiful, beautiful new designs to me and i think i must have died and gone to wannabe-french-girl heaven. yes. that's me- wannabe french girl (the politico and i even considered moving there for awhile...).

anyway, if you don't know illico design, go there right now. really. run. with your mouse. click here. they have the most gorgeous textiles. every time i clicked on something i would ooh and ahhh even louder than before. it really doesn't get much better than this. madame carine magescas, illico founder, describes the company's manifesto perfectly: "[my] passion for clean design with a warm and playful side - along with a predilection for the judicious use of vivid color — led [me]to the designers whose products you see here." oh, carine, bestill my heart, you have picked some lovely lovely designers and even lovelier designs with yes, a predilection for the judicious use of vivid color. and really, who couldn't use a little judicious use of vivid color.

i can't even begin to write about it all, so click here and keep on scrollin'...the works speak for themselves. uhhh, so pretty. soooo pretty.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
CUTE CUTE! [cui-cui lamp*k6 design]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
INNER GLO [glo bowl*illico]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
IN THE BAG [etincelle container*maison georgette]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
MIZRA-TEA [mizra teapot cozy*tsé & tsé associates] ha ha. get it? mizrahi? mizra-tea? man i'm funny at the end of the day...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
PARTY GIRL [paillettes table runners*anne monnier]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
THE BEAUTY OF MAISON GEORGETTE [textiles and pillows*m.g.] this company shines through the rest...they are AMAZING

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
BAMBOO U [apero and bo bamboo servingware*illico]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
BAG IT...AGAIN! [bags*maison georgette]

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