
friday: Home Design Ideas and Alternative heaven

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

no, bush hasn't been replaced by someone with a brain. but i DID look through spoon from phaidon press, which is a phenomenal new(ish) design book that i'm going to talk about more next week. until then, i've been wallowing in all 400 some pages of gorgeous design photos. being the sponge that i am, i've soaked up a million and one new designs and designers. it's truly Home Design Ideas and Alternative bliss. seeing that some of them might be new to you too, i though i'd declare today spoonfest 2004 and share some of my personal favorites: designers and designs that are dying to be snatched up and made a star. enjoy.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
HELLO MASAYO [products*masayo ave] alphabetically, mr. ave came pretty early in the spoon book, so i fell for him first. check out his site here and see how great his stuff is. i love this kitty bed and the natural planters. his wind chimes (see above) are so dreamy...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
HAVE A SEAT [carved timber stool*richard parr and assoc.] found this on a site related to one of the spoon designers...love it. you can find it at bluedeco.com

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
GREEK TO ME [corner mirror, message cups and mirror chair*michael anastassiades] i love greek last names. mr. anastassiades' message cups are so cool. you can record messages by talking into them and then when someone turns them over they hear the message you leave. corner mirror is also way cool. find more here.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
SMORGAS-TORD [blossom table and nail table*tord boontje] yeah, tord's not new, but these products were to me, and they were in spoon, so there. i love these tables. the subtle introduction of the graphic patterns to everyday furniture is great. the drippy paint effect so GREAT. i looove that blossom table.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
THUMPER TUMBLER [bunny and horse vase*tord boontje] i love anything that seems like little kids might like it. these definitely do the trick. more info here.

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