
focus: flowers

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ok, so clearly i can talk about the bouroullec brothers until i'm blue in the face, and then talk some more. but today i was thinking about fall and you know, foliage and stuff and that got me started on flowers. so here are some interesting ways to display them, courtesy of my favorite design duo. ahhh...ronan and erwan.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
FLOWERS IN THE DARK [sqaure vase*ronan and erwan bouroullec] keep an eye on those flowers, even when it's dark.

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PIMP MY RIDE [honda vase*bouroullec brothers] ok, so maybe both an mtv and xzibit reference is overkill, but who cares? it's friday! and i mean, a honda is a type of ride. oh well. i thought it was funny.

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BLOOMBERG [vase varre*bouroullec brothers] more interesting stem ware...hahaha- get it? stem ware? man i need a nap...

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