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i hate to start monday with a gripe, but i've got a lot to say today. i feel like jerri on strangers with candy (a show my lovely rock the voter was on...)- desperate to stand up with my hands in the air and scream...


but thankfully, this medium prevents the sort of aural damage that would ensue, were i to rant and rave to my heart's content. so anyway, first thing's first.

why is the new york times so boring? i know they don't publish things until they're already established, but why must that be so painfully obvious (in the realm of style, no political talk for today...)?? geez- the times is running their T magazine now, a look at design and style from the times' perspective and i'm about to fall asleep just thinking about it. granted, one of the companies i work for got more than generous coverage in it, i thought the whole thing was a veritable snooze-fest.

case in point- modern baroque. aaaarrrrgh! i know i wrote about it too, and not that long ago, but for some reason i'm tired of hearing about it. eesh. next trend, please. while the photography in T is lurvely (and bonus points if you can name the movie that references*), i have a hard time getting through it without creating my own al gore-ish symphony of sighs. it's just boring. bo-ring.

what's even worse is that the team of writers at T magazine is soooo nice. i've mingled with the editors at a few recent nausea-inducing schmooze-fests (i am horribly ill-suited for my current day job)and they were lovely. i've even spoken to them about up-and-coming designers but it seems they take the safe route every time. in some respect i guess i should shut up because a) they clearly are talented people with enough insight to work for the new york times and b) i have no idea what's it like to have to please a national audience and a publisher at the same time. so, perhaps i'll mark my rant down to: moderately displeased.

either way, this is the first of the day. i'll write some more as soon as i managed to dig up some (late) breakfast and refuel....

*psst...if you don't know what movie has the word "lurve" in it, here's the answer.

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