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A Painting I did titled " Pomegranates "
One of the Super Foods

You've heard it all : Pasta's good for you, carbs are out, don't eat too much red meat, eat lots of veggies and fruit, drink 8 glasses of water a day, etc., etc. This morning's news said that the latest research has shown that eating every OTHER day results in longer life. Really, or does it just seem longer ? They went on to say that our ancestors used up a lot of time and energy gathering their food and didn't always eat everyday. It was feast and famine.

I dunno if I'm buying this theory. I'm not a big eater but when my stomach starts to growl I shut it up with good stuff-lots of veggies and fruits, whole grains, and plenty of water of course.

I also read where drinking is bad for you. I've got to stop reading SO much !

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