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Chinese Wisteria Standard
A few months ago I had to move my beloved Wisteria Standard ( a Wisteria vine grafted to a tree trunk ) so that my hubby could extend the porch. We had to hack the roots so much I was worried that it would survive the transplant.
It looked just pathetic for a long time -leaves turned brown , dropped off, etc. I kept on watering it faithfully.
At the end of the season at the garden center where I work, about 4 years ago, our Tree and Shrub manager announced that he had 5 Wisteria Standards that he was reducing from $500 to $100. I took all 5. Two I planted in my own garden - one pink in the front and one purple in the back and the other 3 in a client's garden.
The very first season after planting they bloomed. My neighbor was so taken with it that she made a photo that she keeps pinned to her bulletin board. My clients just adore the purple blooms of their trees each Spring.
A lot of people won't have a Wisteria Standard because it requires a lot of pruning to keep it from reverting back to a vine. I keep mine shaped like a tree but if I let it go for long it would be a really long vine and the flowers would also suffer as a consequence.
So today was balmy and I went outside to putzy around in the garden. I looked wistfully at the wisteria and low and behold I saw tiny buds staring back at me. It's alive ! Thank you , Jesus !
I can't wait until next year to see it bloom .
It looked just pathetic for a long time -leaves turned brown , dropped off, etc. I kept on watering it faithfully.
At the end of the season at the garden center where I work, about 4 years ago, our Tree and Shrub manager announced that he had 5 Wisteria Standards that he was reducing from $500 to $100. I took all 5. Two I planted in my own garden - one pink in the front and one purple in the back and the other 3 in a client's garden.
The very first season after planting they bloomed. My neighbor was so taken with it that she made a photo that she keeps pinned to her bulletin board. My clients just adore the purple blooms of their trees each Spring.
A lot of people won't have a Wisteria Standard because it requires a lot of pruning to keep it from reverting back to a vine. I keep mine shaped like a tree but if I let it go for long it would be a really long vine and the flowers would also suffer as a consequence.
So today was balmy and I went outside to putzy around in the garden. I looked wistfully at the wisteria and low and behold I saw tiny buds staring back at me. It's alive ! Thank you , Jesus !
I can't wait until next year to see it bloom .

This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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