sneak peek: alena hennessy
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["In the very top photo above Grace's intro is a giraffe from Jonathan Adler. The ceramic vase was made by Kim Westad, which I bought off her Etsy page", The picture directly above this is our bedroom. Above our bed is a painting of mine from several years ago. I used a variety of small glass beads and old photocopies of vintage looking floral motifs."]

["The framed drawing is by Alyson Fox, we did a trade for artwork several months back. The clock is our newest addition which we just picked up at Mxyplyzyk. We are really in love with it. And the furniture piece my husband, Andrew Bowers, made back when he was in school."]

["Shown here is a painting by Nina Surel, another fabulous trade!"]

["The small decoupaged plates are by John Derian, my Mom and I both adore his work so she bought those for me a few years ago. The month of July that is on display is a part of the letterpressed calendar I bought on Etsy last Christmas. The vase is from the Curiosity Shoppe, and in it are dried lotus pods."]

["Drinking tea is one of my favorite things to do in life, especially with my girlfriends out on our back deck. So I just treasure my tea cups and things. Those tea cups were a gift and they are hand painted from San Francisco... The cylindrical thing to the left is a princess's lunch box was a gift that my Grandmother received years ago when they lived in Japan. The above photos are mounted onto recycled barn wood are by another Asheville artist, Rebecca Tolk."]

["This is a photo of our dining room. The alabaster deer head is from The Curiosity Shoppe. On the table is a place mat from chilewich underneath the dried flowers.

This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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