
the results are in...


after a few nights on the couch tabulating results of the survey, the results are in! first and foremost, thank you to EVERYONE for taking the time to fill it out- it was immensely helpful in formulating the redesign of the site and to get a better idea of who you all are and what you like (and don't like). so, good stuff first, yes? the winners! four winners were chosen with a randomization program that allowed me to enter and get winners without viewing your answers, location and name. and the winners are:

  1. first place: leigh of brooklyn! leigh will be receiving a gorgeous scando table from modernseed (thanks, modernseed!)
  2. second place: elise of manhattan! elise will be receiving a sweet modern cookie jar from sparkability [thanks, sparkability!]
  3. third place: missy of atlanta (hooray south!)- missy will be receiving a great "weee!" pillow from 2modern. [thanks, 2modern!]
  4. fourth place: julie of brooklyn! (two brooklynites!)- julie will be receving a $75 gift certificate from iluren design [thanks, iluren!]
so, back to the results! i was so excited to get a better picture of all of you out there, so here are some of the most interesting answers...
  • over half of you have been reading for a little under or over a year (thanks so much!) and the other half of you are new to d*s- so welcome!
  • 60% of you check d*s at least once a day, if not more!
  • 96% of you have wanted something you saw on d*s and 50% of you have purchased something you saw on d*s
  • 80% of you are women! that's right, the ladies have a home on d*s
  • 85% of you are in the us, %68 percent of you are in urban areas and the big states tuning in to d*s are: new york, california, illinois, massachusetts, pennsylvania and oregon, texas, washington, ohio and good old new jersey.
  • d*s intl is not to be forgotten though- of the internation readers, 40% are canadian, 5% are british, 3% are french, 9% are australian, 3% singapore/germany/italy and there's even representation in estonia, malaysia, serbia, jordan, kuwait, china, japan, bulgaria and iceland!
  • 53% of you rent, 44% own and you've spent, on average, a whopping $7,000 dollars a year on your homes! wow!
  • 42% of you are single and 57% of you are married or partnered. and, you make on average 50-75k a year.
  • like me, you guys are busy internet bees- excluding email and work use, you spent 10-19 hours a week online! (and almost all of you use a highspeed connection)
  • d*s readers are smart cookies! almost 80% of you have an undergrad or graduate degree of some type
  • like, me 60% of you are between 25 and 34, then it's evenly split between the 18-24 and 35-44 age groups.
  • and lastly, 100% of you deserve to be thanked from the bottom of my heart for making it all the way through that survey...thanks so much, guys!
and i think that's it- thanks so much guys!

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