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los angeles-based designer, helen ige creates beautiful, nature-inspired pieces for the home. her current smash hit is a line of pillows called the "gilded luxe insects" collection that combines men's pinstripe suiting material with insect imagery. while i don't think i'd put a beetle on my couch, i could live with a butterfly or something slightly less girly, but less unsettling than a beetle. the pillows are selling for $110 a piece through ige design in los angeles, or you can order them through loom in brooklyn. loom also carries ige's gorgeous velvet pillows that look similar to these, but with rich teal and magenta velvet in place of the men's suit material. you can contact ige design right here or loom at 718-789-0061. enjoy!
This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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