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while discussing the pros and cons of a trip to ikea with the ny times' rob walker last night, i was tipped off to this ikea-fanatic site. run by armand b. frasco, a northern illinois resident working in the healthcare field (and creater of "the world's premier fan site for moleskine notebooks"), positive fanastics is the unofficial ikea web journal. here's a description from the site:
"For most of us it starts with the catalog. Or a word overheard. The anticipation builds. Then the inevitable pilgrimage to the yellow-and-blue building. Wherever we heard it first, IKEA intrigues, excite the senses and incites people into action. This web journal will document how the world perceives IKEA, the brand and the lifestyle. This is a site for us to share the latest product news, our musings and photos. It is intended to be fun so put down that Allen wrench for a while and commune with us."
an interesting concept and an even more interesting website from someone who clearly hasn't had the classic ikea breakdown in the kitchen section while debating the merits of a wall-mounted dishrack. the site takes its name an essay ("Positive Fanatics") by ikea founder ingvar kamprad and whether you hate that infamous blue and yellow building or can't get enough of your impossible to pronounce furniture the site is fun to check out. click here to read positive fanataics..it's certainly a trip.. [thanks to rob for the tip]
This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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