
The Annual Report

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Pink 'Profusion ' Zinnia, Yellow 'Profusion' Zinnia, Dianthus, Orange 'Profusion' Zinnia, Moss Rose, Proven Winners petunias, Coleus

I hear it constantly from customers at the garden center that they want to avoid buying annuals because they think it's a waste of money. I personally think that annuals are worth every penny because of their long bloom season , plus, many of them give the added bonus of being self-sowing and return for many years.
This is my first time to try the 'Profusion ' zinnias but I had heard and read rave reviews about them and I can say that they have been real performers. Unlike other zinnias, they are self-cleaning and mildew resistant. They are also an AAS winner which says a lot about them. I like the fact that they are heat and drought tolerant and bloom abundantly over a long season. Zinnias are also butterfly magnets.

I always buy Dianthus because it is sold as an annual but is actually a tender perennial that will come back for several years.

This is my first time to try the moss rose and I've found that the bees really love it. Don't know if it self seeds or not but if it does that would be a plus.

I also gravitate toward coleus because of its very attractive colorful leaves and also the fact that it can be brought in and grown indoors . Coleus looks good in containers as well as in flower beds.

Last, but not least, I planted purple sweet alysum between my stepping stones and I know for sure that it will self-sow for next year.

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