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Some of the bold and interesting leaves and grasses in my garden
Left to right : Coleus, plume poppy, Carol Mackie daphne, dwarf crabapple,
loosestrife, bishop's hat, sedum, 'Jack Frost' brunnera, Full Moon Maple, Bergenia

The center photo shows some of the leaves and grasses that grace the newly planted garden in my backyard. An important consideration for me is what the garden looks like when the blooms are gone and so I strive to add interesting leaves and grasses to add texture and color.

I used to think variegated plants were gaudy until I realized how dull the garden can be without them. They add incredible leaf color that is effective during the growing season.

Grasses are another favorite and this Spring I added Curly Sedge and Korean feather reed as well as an assortment of blue grasses.

We've had an incredible rainy June this year that started off cool but then turned hot all of a sudden. I haven't had to water the garden a single time. Everything has filled in much faster than I expected.

If that Claire Curtis Mum blooms next week it will really be one for the record books.

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