
An Iris by any other Name...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative'Lorelei ' and 'Orange Perfection '

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
A newly divided clump of 'Lorelei ' in my renovated bed

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Close up of 'Lorelei '

"She" has been gracing my Spring garden for the past forty years but I never knew her name until one of the Spring Fling visitors told me that my iris was an heirloom .

Her name is 'Lorelei ' , circa 1909 . A neighbor gave me a few rhizomes and as the clumps spread I divided and planted them all around the garden.

I've seen many varieties of iris but none that I like so well as my 'Lorelei'. She's the queen of my Spring garden . This year she is joined by 'Orange perfection ' and an amazingly fragrant light blue variety my daughter Cathy gave me, name unknown . I'm on a mission to find out its name because it has the most intense perfume I've ever smelled .

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