
An Engineer in the Garden

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Simon can build an elaborate front porch ....

Home Design Ideas and AlternativeA wood surround for the pond....

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
A rain chain that circulates water even on a rainless day

and countless other projects to keep Sweet Home and Garden Chicago in tip top shape.

But while he enjoys the garden I know that deep down he would be perfectly happy if I turned it in to an orchard and vegetable garden, no matter how it looked.

Like many Asians I've encountered, Simon is a neat freak, to put it lightly. He doesn't handle unexpected situations very well because they are not in his schedule for that day. In his perfect world everything is neat and orderly. Thus, when you see an Asian garden in the Japanese manner you will realize that it is just this compulsion that reigns supreme.

He could probably name two flowers by sight - a rose and an iris but that's about it. I've tried to instill an appreciation for gardening in him but the other day, after another heavy rainfall, I realize that I'd failed utterly.

As Peonies will do they were bent over to the ground. "What's this ?, " he asked. " What ? Do you mean the shrub? That's a Peony. " " No, Simon says, I mean what kind of plant can't support itself ? "

Time to buy one of those Peony hoops.

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