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I do believe that the Spring Flingers have brought Spring to Chicago! It's about time the growing season got going. With all the rain we've had the grass is growing faster than I can keep up with. I may have to mow it again before y'all come over tomorrow.

Well the day that seemed so distant in the long, cold Chicago winter is finally upon us. Yikes! Did I forget anything? Let's see. I've planted a gazillion flowers, weeded, de-cluttered the house ( it looked like a day care center ) , polished the floor, dusted high and low ( gardener's houses aren't usually that clean in the summer ; at least this one's ) washed windows, cleaned the fish pond, washed and groomed the dogs, prepared drinks for the visitors, and hid the king size BBQ grill and water hose.

Good grief I just realized I have nothing to wear. No proper Southern Belle would be without a gigantic hat. Problem is I can't find one to fit my gigantic head. My head doesn't look big but I found out just how big it was when I walked into a hat store that had rows of hat according to size ( a thing of the past ). As I made my way down the aisle and tried several sizes, all too small, I found myself at the very last one and it didn't fit. The salesman said he could stretch it.

I can't pass the hat section without trying them on and sometimes I accidentally find one that's big enough. I'm on the trail of finding a hat to fit my BIG head. Einstein had an extra large head but I think that's because his brain was bigger than most. Wish I could say that was true in my case.

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