

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Spring bulbs such as scilla, tulips and daffodils are up
and blooming

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Can it be Spring without Forsythia ?

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Magnolias, honey! In every shape and form. That's my 'Betty' in the center.

Pam of Digging said she was blowing some sunshine up our way. Thanks, Pam it took awhile but your good wishes are finally paying off. Today is in the 70's and the next few the Texas 80's !I suppose the first crops are already in down in Texas :-)

On my Spring walkabout in my neighborhood I spied a lot of signs such as all kinds of magnolias -from saucers to stars. Forsythias abound as well as scilla, red tulips and yellow daffodils.

Can I safely stash away my winter clothes yet? Probably not. Besides it could jinx the nice weather.

I'm off to the garden center to seek more perennials for my new garden. Ah, Spring ! What a fine mood it puts me in.

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