
Maison 1400

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
I just got an e-mail from Tom Sheerer's cousin (another Jackson local and author of the blog Live Well in Jackson Hole) after she saw my recent post featuring some of his work. She sent me the link to one of Tom's lesser known projects and my new dream place to rent, Maison 1400, when I visit Paris (hoping that if pretend this trip is happening that one day it will!) So, I learned that he is the designer behind a beautiful medieval townhome in the Marais neighborhood of Paris. I think these amazing pictures of the space speak for themselves:
Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Pretty fantastic, right? Not only it is a impeccably designed townhouse but it is located in an amazing part of Paris. The Marais District is full of incredible charm, beautiful palaces and some of the best shopping in Paris. It is truly my dream come true!

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