
black and white stripes

Home Design Ideas and Alternativesince late spring, i've been much been obsessed with black and white stripes. anyone who's seen me in person since may can attest to the fact that i have been over-rocking a black and white horizontal stripe sweater and i've now transitioned to a heavier version of my favorite look made of wool instead of cotton. something about the black and white stripes feels so modern and fresh and it suddenly hit me- i wonder bedroom curtains would look good in a bold black and white horizontal stripe. i was really inspired by (and majorly want) the tracy reese dress above (and isaac mizrahi's stripes) and i thought, what about a soft white (or cream) and black shantung? maybe this is crazy but i thought it might be fun to at least check out. so i thought i'd see if anyone knew of any good resources for bold fabric (bonus point if it's shantung) in nyc? should i wade through mood again or is there a better solution? thanks for any tips!

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