
american craft

Home Design Ideas and Alternativefor me, this week's theme was all about "craft". wednesday night i attended the re-launch party for american craft magazine, followed by dinner at craftbar and then a lecture last night with rena tom and amy shaw at the american craft council library. former dwell editor andrew wagner is the new editor-in-chief of american craft magazine and has given the book a complete overhaul. i've spend the last two days pouring through the pages being pretty blown away by not only the gorgeous stories on artists and their studios but the little details like font choice, new page layouts (some of which reminded me of dwell) and their experimentation with cover flaps (when you turn the flap over, rather than an ad, there's a beautiful photo of the cover artist's work with a brief description and teaser for the story inside). some people at the party mentioned having an issue with the international craft coverage inside and the fact that a french artist (the incredible nathalie lete) graces the cover but ultimately after reading through it i agreed with andrew who said, "we're taken with all of the energy emanating from makers in the united states and abroad. w wanted to capture as much of that as possible." there is plenty to see and some truly goregous photography inside so if you're near a bookstore i highly suggest picking up a copy. and definitely check out the story on nathalie lete's work and home- you'll love it. [guide to mirrors next!]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Home Design Ideas and Alternative

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