

Home Design Ideas and Alternative Just scatter my ashes somewhere in my garden
I think this ornamental grass would make a lovely tombstone

I saw an interesting thing in the paper recently about the Baby Boomer generation. Bless their hearts, the Baby Boomers have changed so much of this landscape we call life . Thanks to them once again, funeral services , as we know it, have changed as well. The traditional service is out, and a themed service, such as fish-related for an avid fisherman, golf-theme for the golfer, etc. are the latest trend. Making a CD of the service and sending it to relatives and friends who weren't able to attend the service is also popular.

I'm not planning any trips right now, but, when I go I want a garden-related funeral service. In other words, I want to be composted. I want my friends and family to read poetry, sip wine and sing beautiful songs. Then they can scatter my ashes in my garden so that I will continue to make a contribution, even in death.

Down South, funerals are very important events. My father, a poor farmer, saved every penny he could for burial insurance to make sure that he had a proper funeral. The insurance company of course robbed him because the amount he paid in premiums would have really sent him off in style. But he sacrificed a lot to assure that he'd have a proper funeral.

I have friends from New Orleans and believe-you-me, down there a funeral procession is a sight to behold. There's a parade of musicians, a horse-drawn carriage, mourners all decked out in their Sunday best, and flowers galore. If you've never seen a New Orleans-style funeral, then you've not really seen a very impressive one at all.

To me death, like life, is a passage to be noted. I thank the Baby Boomers for changing the traditional and often depressing funeral services. I used to dread going to funerals because I'd really rather celebrate the life of the dearly departed .

I'm Irish, so make my funeral a green one. Don't pay any attention to that Irish saying about " not cremating an Irish man because they'll burn for three weeks. " Just compost my ashes and bury them beneath the pear tree so that I will bear fruit.


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