
mellow yellow

Home Design Ideas and Alternativethank you to everyone who commented on my keepin' it real kitchen post. i was blown away by all the amazing ideas. i'm definitely going to incorporate a book shelf where the bench was and consider chalkbord paint for the space with corkboard right now. my immediate plans are to run with something similar to this photo above submitted in the comment section (from the san francisco gate, photo by eric luse). so i'm off to paint the ceiling yellow! and maybe a square behind the book shelf to tie it together (like the AT post suggested in the comment section). i'm going to get a nice white chandelier or pendant, too- i'll post the results as i go along. in the meantime, here are some great yellow fabrics from joel dewberry (thanks, anon) to go with my yellow ceiling obsession for today...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Home Design Ideas and Alternative
Home Design Ideas and Alternative

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