
if you're going to san francisco...

Home Design Ideas and Alternativeno, ac and i won't be wearing flowers in our hair but we will be renting a convertible mini cooper (i love zipcar) and washing the brooklyn out of our hair for a few days. we're headed to san francisco until sunday (to housesit for a fellow blogger) so i'll be back on monday with regular posting [if you have any good shoe shopping recs please feel free to leave them below!]. until then i hope you all have a wonderful week and check out some of the sites on the blogroll (down on the left hand side of the blog) if you need a quick design fix.

also, if you're in san francisco this friday, june 29, come by the (super laid back) d*s meet up. a group of my favorite bay area designers will be stopping by and ac and i hope you can swing by and have a drink with us. nothing fancy, just a little after dinner drink + chat fun. the details are below, hope you can make it.

  • date: friday, june 29
  • time: 9:00 PM- whenever
  • place: sky terrace 2524 mission street (the rooftop of medjool restaurant, 360 view of the city)
  • details: it's a cash bar upstairs but there is an ATM in the restaurant if you need one. if you can't find us just ask downstairs at medjool for me or kelly sperbeck of relish.

[stay tuned on monday for a very special sneak peek. we'll be getting the first look at a fellow blogger's house- according to the d*s reader survey from this summer she's the site you read the most along with d*s. need a hint? she was the talk of this year's stationery show...]

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