

Home Design Ideas and Alternative A WITNESS TO GENERATIONS OF HISTORY

My great , great Irish Grandfather was one of a kind. The way I figure it he was either very brave, or very stupid. Who in the world would declare themselves for the Union in Alabama, the capitol of the Confederate States of America ? He would and did, that's who!

And, for his troubles, his barn was torched and burned to the ground. It's a wonder he survived at all in the midst of this hotbed of rebels. But survive he did and lived to present a bill to the Union for war damages to his property, for which he was compensated in the amount of several hundred U.S. dollars, a lot of money in those days.

I mention the above story because of the rose that grows in my garden , a passalong, from the Civil War era that is a survivor just like my great, great Grandfather was . Not only is the rose a beautiful yellow, it's very fragrant as well. If only it could talk what tales it could tell !

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