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the ny times ran a fantastic article this morning on a new online gallery program created by charles saatchi. i've always admired saatchi's love for student work and he seems to be doing well by the students who've made him a lot of money over the years. he's created a new website called "stuart" (it stands for student-art) that lets student artists around the world create a free myspace-style page where they can post their work and sell it directly to customers without a gallery fee or rep cut. i love love love that he's letting artists sell their work without a fee and am curious to see how the site progresses. it's a potential cash cow for saatchi but he says he wants to leave the site alone for a year and see what happens (he's not buying any work from the site for at least a year). i can't wait to see how it works out- already gallery owners and buyers are discovering phenomenal new artists and i think it's a fantastic way for young artists to start selling their work and communicating with other student artists across the globe. what a fun idea...click here for more info (and to set up a free page) and here for the original times article.

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