
vest collective

acorn lounge

designer shannon mcleod was kind enough to send along the work of her design group- vest collective. vest collective is a "loosely knit" group of designers based in toronto. the guiding principle of vest is that "objects can affect positive change on the people and other objects with which they come in contact". the works vest artists have produced so far are beautiful and thoughtfully made. their latest project, "come up to my room: the 1889 project" is a collaborative vest collective showing. members developed a series of objects informed and inspired by architectural details from the gladstone hotel in toronto (built in 1889). my favorite pieces are shannon's acorn lounges (the seat and back are flocked with william morris' acorn pattern, a reference to the quality and ideals of the craft and design at the turn of the 19th century) and sally mccubbin's mortar and pestle. you can click here for more information on vest collective. [thanks, shannon!]


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