
shanghai and southern comfort *


[update! i'm flying back home to brooklyn today so i'll be back tomorrow. have a lovely tuesday!] hi everyone! i'm down south today celebrating my dad's birthday so i'll be out for the day, but i just wanted to reach out because the lovely frida of designmouse and husmusen (fabulous blogs if you don't know them already- husmusen is responsible for some of the greatest finds- frida is a phenomenal researcher) emailed me to ask for design shop/destination suggestions for shanghai. she's heading there for a project and needs our help! does anyone know of great design stores or must-visits in that area? [funny side note, my friend who's current working in china said d*s is banned in china, along with most blogs, bc the govn't thinks they may contain "nefarious" content. too funny!] so, thanks for any suggestions!

in addition, i'll be back soon with fresh content (including a fresh mini trend!) and some great new content to come later this week. i'm so excited...xo, d*s [ps: in case you missed it, be sure to log on this saturday and sunday for weekends at d*s- there will be fresh content and some exciting extra features coming this weekend!]

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