
a new start...


today marks my official first day as a full time sponger! well, mostly full time. i left my old position and i'll be freelancing, but mostly devoting my daytime hours to d*s- and i couldn't be happier! so if you have any local stores (brooklyn and manhattan) that you think might be fun to review, send em over- i've got some more free time and would love to start pounding the pavement for d*s in a bigger way.

also, i've gotten a bunch of emails asking if i'd consider giving "tours" of icff and brooklyn designs in may, and i think it'd be a blast! so, if you're interested, i'm starting a list now just to see who (if anyone!) might wanna come: you know, coffee, design talk and then an insider's guide to two of the city's greatest design shows. so, drop a line here if you'd like to take part. until then, i'll be here, posting the best and brightest that the design world has to offer...xo, d*s

[psst: don't forget to take a look at this week's mini trends: cork!]

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