
jaime hayon!


i was chatting with dave at the future perfect and he suggested a great new spanish designer who's starting to make waves in the us. born in madrid, designer jaime hayon takes influences from the art and fashion world and brings them to his unique designs. having worked as both a curator and designer, jaime has an eye for detail and line that shows in each piece he designs. whether its his successful line of art toys, a bathroom designed for artquitect or quasi-futuristic lighting, jaime is an ambassador of what he calls "mediterranean digital baroque" style. my favorite pieces are those he designed for metalarte, but his aqh collection is gorgeous as well (AT had great coverage of this collection in particular). you can click here for more information on jaime's work (be sure to check out his sketches as well, super cool). thanks, dave! [be sure to tune in soon for an interview with dave, ambassador of all things brooklyn design]

[i'm heading home to va for the weekend, but i'll be back next week with some exciting new content!]




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