
i dream of cake!


ok, it's sad that i actually do sometimes, but that's actually the name of this fabulous wedding cake company based in san francisco (sf churns out the most amazing designers) i stumbled upon yesterday. shinmin, a d*s reader and founder of 'i dream of cake', designs breathtaking wedding cake designs that i just had to share- since we did talk about weddings this morning. i didn't know cakes could be this beautiful- each one is like a tiny work of (edible) art. prices for cakes range from $8 to $25 per serving and custom cakes start at $325 total. if your special day is close, and you're in the bay area, drop shinmin a line and see if she can design something stunning just for you- i'm sure she can. [thanks, shinmin! gorgeous work!]

DeYoung copy

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