
president's day (argh)


happy president's day everyone. i'm off today but i'll be back tomorrow. in more argh-inspiring news, my designer (the patient angel that she is) and i have hit yet another snag with our coding and decided to reach out to all your talented people out there.

it seems our finalized design (that had been ready for today) isn't compat. with mac internet explorer or safari. i don't want to leave a single reader out so we're trying to figure out what's wrong, but need some help. does anyone know about coding within blogspot? blogspot seems to be the problem, so if anyone knows how to code within blogger and has done it before, please please drop me a note and i'm happy to pay for your services to help. we have almost everything done, but can't figure out what the heck is goin on. thanks so much, be back tomorrow with oodles of posts saved up from this weekend. xo, d*s

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