
chair couture


chair couture has been around for a while i believe, but i'm a big fan. new york based designer, margaret elman reaquires antique furniture and reupholsters it in unexpected patterns and modern fabric designs. the louie look is still in, so i'm sure her business is booming, but i think her work will be timeless for many of us. the idea of reusing something beautiful and updating it to reflect your own personal style and a new time is a concept that will never grow old. you can contact margaret at chair couture right here to see which pieces she currently has in stock. but, if something like this isn't in your price range, consider using craigslist, ebay or flea market (or roadside) shopping to find vintage pieces you can refinish and reupholster for less! enjoy! [thanks to d*s reader, robyn for the tip!]



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