
tuesday stands for thiebaud

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

i've been a fan of wayne thiebaud since college. my printmaking teacher was a huge fan of his and i managed to sneak away with a book of his gorgeously decadent dessert-obsessed paintings when i graduated. so, you could imagine my delight when, after reading josh rubin's post on risd student timothy liles (i love good art student coverage), i noticed a box he designed for children, dedicated to mr. thiebaud. so, i thought i'd share it. and really, if nothing else, the work of wayne thiebaud always deserves another look. he's a phenomenal painter whose work has always managed to make me feel good inside. it's just happy stuff. take a look and enjoy.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
PIE FACE [pies*wayne thiebaud] eat up.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
CAKEY [around the cake*wayne thiebaud]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
LLAMA [llama box*timothy liles] a nice take on wayne's style...perfect for a unique kids room

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