
ms. cameron does it again: metropolis uncovers a winner

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

kristi cameron of metropolis magazine has great taste. and by great i mean, really really phenomenal taste (and not just because she came to our vitra party last night, which was a-mazing). she discovered amazing eco textile company looolo in this month's issue of metropolis (jan 05) and i just had to scoop it up and rave about it here. not only is metropolis one of the most distinguished and continually cutting-edge design mags, but they manage to get people that conceivably have no way of being discovered through traditional methods (well, at least my traditional methods of being a googling monkey). for an example of what i'm talking about, check out paul makovsky's productsphere page in the new issue, there are quite a few desigers who i couldn't find ANYTHING on online. well done, paul. well done.

anyway, back to ms. cameron's find: looolo. the folks at treehugger should love this one, and so do i: looolo uses all organic materials to create their gorgeous textiles, and goes one step further to ensure that their textiles could be thrown into a compost pile and would completely biodegrade within ONE YEAR. way to go looolo! Home Design Ideas and Alternative salutes you for creating beautiful fabrics that allow environmental sustainability and drop-dead gorgeous design to co-exist peacefully.

you can find more information on looolo here...and you can find more information on metropolis magazine here.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
ECO SLEEP [ravine pillow*looolo]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
FRILLY [janthur pillow*looolo]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
MOUNTAIN OUT OF A [molehill blanket*looolo]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
RUNG BY RUN [ladder pillow*looolo]

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