
the future is bright and very, very perfect

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

well, the future perfect's holiday "gifted" show was hands down, my favorite gettogether of the holiday season. there's nothing like a brooklyn party to make you feel relaxed and not so, you know, scenester-y. although, the future perfect is definitely a scene in itself- it's just a scene in which i feel more comfortable. plus it's right across from my favorite sushi restaurant. bonus!

d*s style summary: cool people, cool store, cool designs, cool vibe, cool neighborhood. just plain cool. seen: designs by online darlings eric ginder and sara cihat. a great installation of lite brite's new neon sconces, and the OSB desk from redstr/collective. best in show? look no further than the most darling little felt birds i've ever seen. honorable mention: inkblot mirrors by DUPD design.

i'm still waiting on some more details in terms of designer's last names (and first names!) from dave, but if you need any info or see something you want to buy, just stop on by the future perfect. click here for directions, contact info, etc.

happy holidays dave!



Home Design Ideas and Alternative
WINDOW MONTAGE [window design*the future perfect] gorgeous glass birds that were actually lights (housed in scrapile boxes)...love it

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
YOU DOWN WITH OSB? [osb desk*redstr/collective] cool desk with klein reid porcelain accessories...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
BLOTTY [ink blot mirrors*DUPD design]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
CHEEP CHEEP [felt bird*name coming] sometimes birds like to nest in ac's hair...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
THE LITE IS BRITE [neon sconces*lite brite]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
DISCLAIMER [disclaimer tape*FUGG design] sticks to anything you want it stuck on....

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
DESIGN BLOG DARLINGS [ginder and cihat display*tfp]

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
LAST ONE [lite brite chandy, lorena plates, miller cupcakes...and more*the future perfect]

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