
fresh design: sprout home

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

chicago-based sprout home is a wonderful online resource for all your design needs. if you're like me and you're trying to find something cool and interesting to give to friends and family- give sprout home a try. while they have some very velocity-like standards (thomas paul pillows), they carry some interesting homewares that i haven't seen anywhere else online yet. so, stop on by and see if you can't find some cool presents for the holiday season...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
EARTHY SERVINGWARE [oval platters*sprout home] made from renewable acacia wood, it's the eco way to serve...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
LEAFY EATS [3 piece leaf dishes*sprout home] a good way to bring the outdoors in...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
WRAP IT UP [pink felt garland*sprout home] I LOOOOVE THIS STUFF. pretty cool way to decorate in an environmentally friendly way...you could reuse it later too, maybe a cute belt or strap for a hand-made bag?

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
STACK IT [kiri magazine rack*sprout home] made from gorgeous native japanese wood

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
SHADY [white shady tree lamp*sprout home] i love the view from below....so peaceful

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