
things for which i'm thankful....

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

on a site where i continually wax poetic about material posessions, i wanted to stop for a minute and be thankful for all the things that make me smile in my life. i'm eternally thankful for my family, my wonderful wonderful arc, my dear friends (especially those who put up with my apparent inability to return phone calls- sorry bry), my cat, the fact that i'm lucky enough to have food, shelter and clothing AND a place where i can cover myself in my favorite thing and have people share that with me (that's here!). i hope everyone has all the same and more. here's wishing that you all have a happy, healthy and bountiful holiday with your loved ones.

so, in light of my absence for the next five days (makin the trek to va tomorrow...), i thought i'd pass along some more things i'm thankful for: my fellow brooklynites who work so hard to churn out interesting, thought-provoking designs every day. here's to people like matt dilling, lorena barrezeuta, redstr/collective, bettencourt wood, the future perfect and some new kids: 3 square, design can, aswoon, nikolai moderbacher and the ladies of decoradar.

after their showings at brooklyn designs (minus decoradar), the first three companies have really gotten some great attention that i hope to add to. located on dwight street in my home borough, 3square makes some really really beautiful wooden furniture. the pictures really say it all. i'm rather fond of their custom projects and the wood used on the desks, but you can't go wrong with any of it. check out their website here for more info.

with a showroom in dumbo, aswoon as really got some great stuff going on. with a whole host of artists working for them, aswoon's designs are as interesting as they are practical. well, all except for the couch i chose to show. it's cool (even if it is bent ply...) but i really wonder how comfortable it could be. either way, if you've got some time this holiday weekend check them out.

the design can has been covered a fair amount, but you can never have too much coverage, right? man, pr starts to rub off on you after awhile...eesh. anyway, i love love love their achoo table. too cute. if you happen to have fallen for someone with a snuffy nose, like me, then you'll get just how cool this is. check em out here.

i saw nikolai moderbacher's tear candle holders awhile ago at the future perfect. they're still cool. and just now i discovered his rustic flower vase and i think it's worth checkin out. so, have a browse here.

last but not least, the ladies of decoradar are doing something entirely different than the aforementioned brooklynites. they make insanely cool murals for homes, stores, etc. jen passed their work on to me and i think it's pretty cool. if you've got something that needs mural-izing, give em a call. or at the very least, check out their site!

so, with that said, i'll be taking a wee blogging break over the holidays, but promise to be back monday afternoon, refreshed and ready to go. i hope you all have a wonderful holiday and remember- if you're sick of watching the parade, take a look at some of these designers' websites! they're worth the trip! besides, it's better than passing out in a tryptophan-induced haze front of some football game....

happy t(of)urkey day! xoxoxo,

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
GAWGEOUS [custom table*3square design] christmas is coming up...can i have this, pleeease?

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
I LOVE IT (AND HIM) [arc cabinet*3square design]

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STRIPEY STRIPEY [stripe table*3square design] can't get much cooler than this.

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CUSTOM AGENT [custom cabinet*3square]

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BENDY [bent ply couch*aswoon] no comment on my feelings about bent ply. but well, it is kinda slick lookin...

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BLESS YOU! [achoo table*the design can]

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POINTLESS BUT FUN [superfluous candelabrum*the design can] so what, it's cool. form doesn't always follow function, you know...

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HOLY MOLEY [holy tears*nikolai moderbacher] i'm sure he's nothing like him, but i keep thinking about ruth's boyfriend nikolai on six feet under. it's fun to imagine he now makes furniture in brooklyn...hahaha. man i crack myself up....

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SIMPLICITY DEFINED [flowers*nikolai moderbacher]

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MURAL-IFIC [the next place*decoradar]

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PARK PLEASE [park mural*decoradar]

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CLOSE UP [close up shot*decoradar] reminds me of wes anderson's brother's drawings for the royal tenenbaums....

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
OH DEER [lorimer deer*decoradar] i like this because, well, i like deer. so there. i said it.

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