
psst...watch out hipsters, here come the craftsters!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

ok, so about a year ago i woke up and everyone and their hipster brother was knitting. yeah, knitting. there's already a hip(ster) knitting store on bedford ave in williamsburg. i think this chick's stuff is soooo cool. i love crazy hair things. i found her via a post on core77 about this hysterical thing called "hallowig" (see above). i don't know, i just thought this stuff was sew cool. ha! sew!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
PINS ARE IN [hair pins from craft blog girl*craftster.com] i think you can order stuff from this girl if you try. see link above. you can post to her message and i bet she'd make you one, if you're in the market for a kick ass hair pin that is.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

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